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There are a lot of Jews on TV!  Still, when it comes to Judaism there is very little of that on television.  We figured we ought to change that...because we could and we should.  Call it a fair bit of chutzpah and a whole lot of desire for Tikkun Olam (making the world a better place) or simply Chai Life TV..but whatever you do, make sure you tune in at least once!

Chai means life in Hebrew and it's no wonder that the word and the Hebrew letter for it are so frequently used in Jewish expression. Judaism is a religion about life --  living a better life, a full life, and yes even a holy life (talk about a heavy concept!). That is also what Chai Life TV is all about.


On Chai Life TV you'll find a variety of shows and specials for the whole family that will educate, inform, entertain and we hope inspire you and your loved ones. You'll discover a greater understanding of Judaism and appreciation for the potential and meaning of your life. We aren't associated with any movement or organization in Jewish life but you'll find we represent a fresh but traditional orientation towards Judaism.


For those of you who thought this was a TV network about flavored tea, we deeply apologize and invite you to tune in anyway ! 






Photo Credit: Curb Your Enthusiasm

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